Justin Timberlake caught holding hands with co-star, Alisha Wainwright. Is It Ever Okay to Hold Hands with a Married Man?

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Justin Timberlake has managed to stay out of the tabloid headlines for a long time, but that all changed when he was seen holding hands with actress Alisha Wainwright. Photos published by The Sun show Timberlake hanging out with Wainwright, with whom he stars in the upcoming film Palmer, on the balcony of a New Orleans bar. Image result for justin timberlake and alisha wainwright holding hands

A year or two ago I wrote about this specific topic and I decided to repost this blog piece, because the topic is still relevant today. Both Justin and Alisha deny that anything is going on between them, but celebrities do that all time ala, Brad and Angelina, Lil Fizz and Apryl Jones. Check out my thoughts below and let me know what you think in the comments section.

Is it ever appropriate to hold a married man’s hand. I recently saw a picture of two celebrities, one single and the other celebrity, very married, holding hands. Seeing this, I immediately had a reaction. My reaction was, what the hell is going on? I was bothered by the photo. Then I thought, what must his wife be thinking. The two co-stars holding hands could be totally innocent. They are both very likable actors. However, holding hands is a intimate act. Couples hold hands, children and parents hold hands. I don’t hold hands with my friends or co-workers. I would be very bothered if I witnessed my husband holding hands with another woman who was not a family member. I would take issue with it because I believe that is an act that we should only share with each other and/or our children and family.


I’m curious ladies, do you think it’s ever appropriate to hold hands with a single person if you are in a intimate relationship with someone. Let me know your thoughts.

Ms. Culture Keeper-



5 Comments Add yours

  1. Perhaps a little perspective but female best friends hold hands all the time. Holding hands is not so intimate today in this age than it once was. That said even i wonder when people of the opposite sexes hold hands together. Which is pretty hypocritical of me.


    1. the shade of writing you bring up a great point. I have a question for you if you saw your partner holding hands in a intimate way with another person would that bother you?


      1. I don’t think I would be concerned. But that is because the dynamic of our relationship is very untraditional.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I left a more recent thought on this.. I have had lots of time to think and while initially I was ok with this I wasn’t viewing it the way it ought to probably be viewed… in a monogamous society for me if it was my spouse it be ok… but for this guy… I too wonder how his wife feels?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. @theshadeofwriting every relationship is unique so I agree but I visualized if that was my husband holding hands with another women even if it was innocent I would not like it. There is something intimate about holding hands to me.

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